Sustainability to the Moon

Sustainability to the Moon

The ever-increasing consumerism of today’s western world is resulting in a drastic overproduction of unsustainable materials. Fast fashion suppliers like H&M, Zara, and Shein pose a threat to the environment by selling mass amounts of these materials at a cheap price, heavily contributing to landfill waste across the Globe. These companies are a deplorable example of the exponential speed at which fast fashion is accelerating, pushing dangerous micro-trend cycles in order to generate greater demand. Pancheewa aims to keep our impact on the environment to a minimum. 

Many fast fashion items are ridiculously cheap, making them more desirable to consumers with less disposable income unable to afford high fashion brands or better quality products. The industry also forges a damaging ideology within youth culture; we immediately need the newest and trendiest thing on the market in order to maintain a social status. Sure, the appeal of buying affordable clothing may be attractive to some, but do we know the price of what we’re purchasing? These poorly produced products come at the expense of exploited labour overseas, and the environmental impact is even more significant when such products are thrown away after only a few uses. 

As a small business we are committed to creating quality handmade products made to order, avoiding deadstock. Pancheewa offers quality goods that are screen printed and heat pressed by hand, created and packaged one by one with love and care. By screen printing the clothing ourselves, we eliminate the need for outside manufacturers with long wait times and high minimums.  

Pancheewa is proud to show our commitment to slow fashion and sustainable production by offering affordable goods that are still in sync with the current trend. Find out more about us on our Instagram @ProjectPancheewa. 

Much love, P x

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